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Finger Splints- Why use them for Finger Injuries?

Finger injuries are the type of injury can happen to anyone, regardless of whether you work in an office or if you’re an athlete. If you’ve hurt your finger, there are a few things you can do to help it heal. First, you’ve got to ice it to get rid of any swelling. Second, take [...]

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Elbow Braces- How can they help with common Elbow Injuries?

Elbow injuries can happen to anyone. Athletes who throw or swing are more likely to hurt their elbows. While people can also hurt them by falling. In most cases, doctors will suggest using elbow braces to help bring down the swelling. Many things can cause the elbow to hurt. The most common cause of pain [...]

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Achilles Braces- How can they treat your Achilles Injuries?

As many as 230,000 people in the US alone injure their Achilles tendon every year. While up to thirty million are injured around the world. The most common cause of these injuries is overuse and wearing the wrong shoes. Doctors suggest using Achilles braces to support the foot after an Achilles injury. Click here to [...]

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What Are the Best Ankle Braces for Arthritis?

What causes ankle arthritis? When the joint that connects the ankle bone to the shin bone becomes worn you may experience arthritis. Arthritis will cause pain around the ankle joint. Click here to shop for the ankle braces for arthritis now & save 40% to 75%. You also get a price match guarantee and free [...]

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What Are the Best Ankle Braces for Sprains?

How can you tell if you have an ankle sprain? A sprain can be very painful and may be accompanied by swelling, bruising and redness. How do you sprain your ankle? There are many ways that you can sprain the ankle. It  can happen by simply getting out of bed in the morning and stepping [...]

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What Are the Best Back Braces & Supports for a Herniated Disc?

What Is a herniated disc? Some people have back pain because of a herniated disc. You may have this condition if you have had a spinal disc rupture. When a spinal disc ruptures, some of the disc moves outside of its normal boundaries. A spinal disc usually stays between the vertebrae. Click here to shop [...]

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What Are the Best Back Braces & Supports for Sciatica Pain?

What is Sciatica? The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in the body and runs from your pelvis through your buttock and hips to the back of each of your legs. The term Sciatica is used to describe the pain that runs along the length of this nerve. Sciatica is a term used to describe [...]

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What Are the Best Tennis Elbow Braces?

What are the symptoms and causes of Tennis elbow? If you have pain or soreness in your upper arm (near your elbow) you may have the condition. This condition occurs when you have a partial tear in the tendon fibers on the outside or lateral side of your elbow. It is also known by the [...]

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What Are the Best Golfer’s Elbow Braces?

What is Golfer’s elbow? The condition originally got it’s name as many Golfer’s suffered from it. It is also known by the medical term medial epicondylitis. It occurs on the inside of the elbow when you constantly grip something hard. Click here to shop for golfer’s elbow braces now & save 40% to 75%. You [...]

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What Are the Best Bunion Splints and Protectors?

What is a bunion? It is the enlargement of the joint at the base of the big toe. This is called the metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint. A bunion develops when the tissue or bone at the joint of the big toe becomes misaligned. Click here to shop for bunion splints and protectors now & save 40% [...]

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